Outlaw 4x4

About Outlaw Performance Exhaust Outlaw Performance Exhaust by Mercury Australia, are a leading Australian manufacturer of high-quality exhaust systems for a wide range of vehicles.... >>>(READ MORE)>>> expand_less expand_more As an Australian owned and operated company, Outlaw believe in supporting local industry and manufacturing. That's why all their products are made right here in Australia, using only the highest quality materials and workmanship. Outlaw's team of skilled technicians and engineers are passionate about what they do, and use the latest technology and equipment to ensure that every exhaust system produced is of the highest standard.Outlaw Performance Exhaust systems are designed to fit seamlessly onto your vehicle, providing improved horsepower and torque, while reducing fuel consumption and emissions. We offer a range of exhaust systems to suit different vehicle makes and models, including sports cars, 4x4s, and performance vehicles. Whether you're looking for a deep, throaty exhaust note, or a more subtle sound, we have a system to suit your needs.Outlaw and Exhaust Shop Australia are committed to delivering exceptional customer service. Understanding that every customer has unique needs and requirements, and we take the time to listen and understand your needs. Our teams are always available to answer any questions you may have and provide expert advice on choosing the right exhaust system for your vehicle.In conclusion, if you're looking for a high-quality exhaust system that is made in Australia, look no further than Outlaw Performance Exhaust. The commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is second to none, and we are proud to endorse a leading manufacturer of exhaust systems in Australia. Browse our range of products today and experience the Outlaw difference! SEARCH BY MAKE menu FORD HOLDEN DODGE CHEVROLET TOYOTA NISSAN MAZDA MITSUBISHI IZUSU VOLKSWAGEN MERCEDES ENTIRE RANGE* Featured Products {% assign oriCollection = collection %} {% assign collection = collections['outlaw-4x4'] %} {% assign productCount = collection.products | size | at_most: 12 %} {% if productCount > 0 %} {% paginate collection.products by 12 %} {% for product in collection.products %} {% assign imageLink = '' %} {% if product.images.size > 0 %} {% assign imageLink = product.images[0].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% assign alternateImageLink = imageLink %} {% if product.images.size > 1 %} {% assign alternateImageLink = product.images[1].src | img_url: 'original' %} {% endif %} {% if imageLink != '' %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'zoom' %} {% endif %} {% if 'none' == 'alternate' %} {% endif %} {% else %} This product has no images. {% endif %} {% if true %} {% else %} {% endif %} {{product.title}} {% assign decimalNumber = 2 | at_least: 0 | at_most: 24 %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '{{' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[0] | strip_html %} {% if currencySymbol == '' %} {% assign moneyFormatParts = shop.money_format | split: '}}' %} {% assign currencySymbol = moneyFormatParts[1] | strip_html %} {% endif %} {% if 'token' == 'name' %} {% assign currencyToken = shop.currency %} {% else %} {% assign currencyToken = currencySymbol %} {% endif %} {% assign data = 'data-decimal-token="." data-decimal-number="' | append: decimalNumber | append: '" ' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% assign variantPrice = variant.price | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% assign price = variantPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign priceParts = price | split: '.' %} {% assign priceIntegral = priceParts[0] %} {% assign priceFractional = priceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign price = priceIntegral | append: '.' | append: priceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign price = priceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% assign oriPrice = variant.compare_at_price %} {% if oriPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | divided_by: 100.0 %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = 0 %} {% endif %} {% if true and oriPrice > variantPrice %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPrice | round: decimalNumber | string %} {% assign oriPriceParts = oriPrice | split: '.' %} {% assign oriPriceIntegral = oriPriceParts[0] %} {% assign oriPriceFractional = oriPriceParts[1] | append: '000000000000000000000000' | truncate: decimalNumber, '' %} {% if decimalNumber > 0 %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral | append: '.' | append: oriPriceFractional %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = oriPriceIntegral %} {% endif %} {% else %} {% assign oriPrice = '' %} {% endif %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-price-' | append: variant.id | append: '="' | append: price | append: '" ' %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-ori-price-' | append: variant.id | append: '="' | append: oriPrice | append: '" ' %} {% if forloop.index == 1 %} {% assign data = data | append: 'data-variant="' | append: variant.id | append: '" ' %} {{currencyToken}} {{priceIntegral}}{% if decimalNumber > 0 %}.{{priceFractional}}{% endif %}   {{currencyToken}} {{oriPrice}} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% assign soldOut = false %} {% assign soldOutData = '' %} {% for variant in product.variants %} {% if variant.inventory_management == 'shopify' and variant.inventory_policy == 'deny' and variant.inventory_quantity == 0 %} {% assign soldOutData = soldOutData | append: variant.id | append: ' ' %} {% if forloop.index == 1 %} {% assign soldOut = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if false %} add_shopping_cart   {% endif %} {% if soldOut %} Sold out {% else %} Add to cart {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endpaginate %} {% else %} {% if 'Outlaw 4x4' == '' %} Please choose collection to show products from sidebar. {% else %} No products found. Please add some products to the collection first. {% endif %} {% endif %} {% assign collection = oriCollection %} --- 5 Year Warranty ---All Outlaw Products Comes With thier Legendary 5 Year Warranty. --- Australian Owned ---Australian owned and operated company, since the early 1950's. --- Australian Developed ---Outlaw Performance Exhaust is developed in Australia with a manufacturing plant in Victoria